snow day!

I love having a snow day! I get so giddy at having a bonus day off to be snuggled up at home. And I never really thought about this until today but I’m guessing people in California don’t know what it’s like to have a snow day. Growing up in Chicago, snow days were kind of rare. I suppose we were just so used to bad weather that we just sucked it up and kept going. So a true snow day where school was cancelled was a big deal! It was the the most exciting thing to wake up and turn on the news and see my school’s name scroll by with all the other closings. Ah, I’m so glad that I was raised in a place with snow days. This storm was supposed to be a big one so the entire city shut down. I’m talking travel ban, no MBTA, cereal gone from grocery store shelves shut down. My day involved sleeping in a bit, working out, cleaning, quilting, and cooking. The best! We also couldn’t resist taking a walk through the snow. There were no cars out (except for the ones parked on the side of the road and buried in snow) and there were a surprising number of people walking in the streets getting some fresh air and enjoying the clean, fluffy snow.


Yup, I’m a dork.


There’s our car… We’ll dig it out eventually. Maybe in May.

IMG_9418I’m so glad that we both still enjoy the novelty of a good snow day. And I’m thankful that I have a warm home with electricity and food to shelter in during the storm. I know that not everyone is as lucky as we are but I hope everyone is staying safe and warm today.

snow day!

The Plan

Me and my Mr. nine years ago on our first trip to Boston.


My Mr. and I moved to Boston right after we graduated from the University of Illinois. We were 21 and my Mr. (at the time he was still my boyfriend) was headed to Boston to pursue his Masters degree at the University of Boston. I already knew that he was my lobster, my other half, the love of my life so I decided to follow him to the East Coast. I was born and raised in the Midwest. 21 years in the same home, same little suburban town. I was so terrified of telling my parents that I put it off until about two weeks before my Mr. was coming to pick me up to move me to Boston. They handled it pretty well. So off we go to Boston. All I owned fit into a little rental car and we squished ourselves into a studio apartment behind Fenway Park. It was only supposed to be for two years max. Nine years later, we’re still in Fenway but thankfully in a bigger apartment. We love our neighborhood, our jobs, the lifestyle, all the lovely places to go for a stroll, all the places to explore, the diversity, the culture, the rich history, the Thai food, the top notch healthcare. But we’re ready for our next adventure so we’ve decided to move to California by the end of this year. The plan has been made. So here we are, our last year in Boston. Join us as I document all of our favorite places, foods, and activities and we say farewell to this amazing city.


The Plan